Container Medical Care in Haiti

Containers To Clinics Provides Critical Medical Care in Haiti

by Andrew Michler 

The effects of natural disasters continue to press the need for longer term healt care in remote and underserved populations struggling to reclaim their livelihood. In making this a reality, the nonprofit Containers To Clinics can play a pivotal role. They are exploiting the durability and portability of container architecture to provide timely, quality health care around the world. C2C is now using their first container based clinics in Haiti and wants to roll out many more of the custom containers in the near future.

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The containers are more complex than one would guess after a first glance. C2C partnered with Anshen + Allen Architects and Stack Design Build to design and build a prototype, and the team has commissioned Allied Container Systems to build the clinics in quantity. The trick is to design a full service health clinic with examination rooms and labs in difficult areas to get to and operate. The 8’ by 20’ shipping containers have to conform to ISO standards to be transported via ship. By breaking the program into two separate containers, the transportability is greatly increased. The design allows the containers to sit in an L configuration to create a small courtyard for waiting patients.